Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Vertical Glass City

Day 20

Vancouver is one of two cities in the US (I realize it’s Canada) that has been on my bucket list, having always wanted to visit but never found the time or a reason to be there (the other being Charleston, South Carolina).  Thus, there was no doubt that it was going to be included in this trip and I was excited about what I might experience...

However, my first exposure wasn't very good.  Going through the Canadian border is an experience all its own.  Though Canadians are considered some of the nicest people in the world  (most of them anyways) you would never know that by the exchange that takes place with the border patrol.  The verbal assault is so aggressive you really start to think you did something wrong, that you’re lying to them or that you are probably going to commit a crime while visiting the country because it feels like they disbelieve every answer you give.  Trying to convey that you are just coming for a friendly visit just doesn’t seem realistic to them. 

Fortunately they let me in the country and I have to tell you Vancouver is seriously one of the secret gems of the West Coast.  The city is gorgeous.  It is called the “glass city” because its downtown area has hundreds of high-rise commercial and residential buildings that populate nearly every street.  Nearly all of them are encased in glass with what appear to be amazing views of the water.   The city is also incredibly clean with great running and biking trails that circle the city and run right alongside the bay.  At the tip of the city is Stanley Park.  Many believe it is second only to Central Park, in terms of beauty, wildlife, trails, restaurants, views, etc.  However, as a New Yorker, I think it blows Central Park away.  It was incredible!  Definitely a must see particularly via a bicycle. 
Also, one of the more unique facts about Vancouver is the huge Asian population that lives there.  Nearly 50 percent of all residents are of Asian decent and Chinatown was a fun place to bike around. 
British Columbia, which is the Province that Vancouver resides in has been the host to three winter Olympics, with the most recent being in 2010.  I took pictures of the Cauldron which is lit during important occasions, which was pretty cool to see.

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