Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Everyone Needs a Brother Like Ruben

Ruben is Faithfully Old!
Though many people love and respect their brothers and sisters,. I am one of the fortunate few that not only does that, but also think of them as best friends.  All eight brothers and sisters go out of our way to see each other, speak to each other and relish in each other’s success.  Though we agree and disagree on many things, one thing that is never questioned is how my brother Ruben lives life like no other.  He's got the energy of a 14 year-old with the unquestioned desire to see everything, taste everything and experience everything.

Ruben caught one of those elusive Jackalopes
The continuous rain made
Ruben's head grow
This is why I say every person in the world needs a brother like Ruben. 

Here Ruben is trying to scare away the Grizzlies
You see Ruben has a great sense of humor, is a great listener, is incredibly intuitive and best of all, he’s the most positive person I have ever met.  When the chips are down, you want Ruben on your side (see Wyoming post).  As his younger brother I had it better than the others, in that pretty much everything I learned, I learned from Ruben.  Thus, having him come out for five days and travel with me was a true highlight.  We had lots of long talks about life, family, cars, business and one night when the scotch was really flowing we had some funny conversations about love!

The trip wouldn't have been the same with out him!

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