Friday, May 3, 2013


Though I have lived in California nearly my whole life, I think I sometimes forget how beautiful it is.  Driving up the coast today was a big reminder.

Today I drove up from San Diego to Santa Barbara (horrible fire in Camarillo that I understand has burned over 60,000 acres was still burning) and met up with friend of mine who I traveled with some thirty years ago.  Billie Sager and I met during our year of travelling in Up With People -- we were a "cast couple", which is pretty much on par with what my seventh grade daughter says when she likes someone by passing them a note.  Innocent as the day is long!

Billie has lived in Goleta, which is a few miles past Santa Barbara for nearly twenty years, which is crazy because I have been in SB many times and had no idea she lived there (thank you Facebook).  Her smile and energy are the same as they were many years ago and it was fun to hear about her career, daughter and the stories surrounding what brought her to California from the Black Hills of South Dakota.

After dinner, I hit the road for another half hour and landed at Refugio State Beach and Campground.  Yes I really did camp out my first night on the road.  This place is gorgeous. It sits right on the ocean in a small cove.  The camp ranger, a women name Rheta (Rita) from Minnesota told me that I was very fortunate to have found open camp site, because they are normally full (the place looked deserted), which was a bit hard to believe.

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