For the first time on my trip, I will spending a second night
in the same campground which means I had a lot of time today to think, reflect,
read, write and enjoy. As I was thinking
about my life and what was important I concluded that no matter how much you
have, no matter how much you accomplish and no matter where you go or what you
see, everything in life comes down to one simple thing – family.
I stayed with many of my friends and their families during
my travels and that only solidified my conclusion.I have been blessed when it comes to family. I have two amazing children that both inspire and intrigue me. Sophia is smart, dedicated, focused, argumentative, funny and most importantly respectful. Eli is competitive, emotional, athletic, intuitive, thoughtful, gentle, and like Sophia, incredibly respectful. Being away from them for six weeks has made me appreciate them now more than ever and my anticipation in seeing them tomorrow is frankly overwhelming.
Additionally, I was thinking about my brothers and sisters
and the role I play within our family. I’m
definitely not the smartest; that would be Gary. I’m surely not the most caring; that would
Natalie. I’m surely not the most
creative; that would be DeAnne. I’m
certainly not the most positive; that would be Ruben. I’m definitely not the most appreciative;
that would be Lori. I’m not the most accomplished;
that would be John and I can honestly say, I’m not the most interesting; that
would be Elaine. Then who am I and what
role do I play?
After lots of rain, crackers, tuna and oh yes, beer, I
concluded that I’m a little of each one of them. When we speak, which is quite often, we
really listen to each other. We learn
from each other. We are inspired by each
other. But most importantly, we never
take each other for granted. Because
after all, life comes down to one thing – FAMILY!